Theme One
B side: W
Theme One cover
Front cover
Theme One sleeve
Back cover
Theme One single Theme One single

This, regrettably, is the only VdGG single that I bought at the time,
seen above in it's UK release cover. The track didn't appear
on any UK released albums, but did appear on Pawn Hearts, as released in the USA.

See the article and interview in Sounds from January 1972.

Theme One cover Theme One cover
The Italian version.

Theme One cover  Theme One cover  Theme One cover
Jamie Fogg's Italian jukebox version.
(Leon Russell's "A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall" on the other side)

Theme One cover Theme One cover
The French version.

Theme One cover
Another of Jamie's - nice hat Hugh!

German Theme One promo
Louis Heemelaar's German Promo

Theme One advert

"Theme One came about initially as a rehearsal knock-about by the others, being a groovy toon, gradually became a part of our sets, and there seemed no real place for it on an album...a single...also because we felt it stood a chance of getting through to people not normally exposed to us, and perhaps pulling a few of them round!! It could be regarded as a sell-out, a cop-out from our usual self, but then it's bad if you're always your usual self, but deadly to take yourself too seriously all the time. I guess the nature of your coming to hear it indicates some level of success. Incidentally it's got f*** all to do with me apart from authorisation...I wasn't even there when it was recorded!!"

Peter Hammill, from a personal letter to Jem Shotts, 24th April 1972.

Theme One review Theme One review Theme One review


" ' w ' is intuitive universal, and it is therefore appropriate that, over the years, it should have been treated with sounds from bagpipes to the bleeping of space beacons.
Wave theory is, to me, fascinating but impenetrable, and I now prefer a 'photon' view of life. However, such opinion, when related to such lyrics as 'Darkness', merely proves my own confusion and the potential truth of both."

Peter Hammill, from Killers, Angels, Refugees (1974).

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